You must run a Report Builder to generate a Report. New Report Builders must be based on an existing Report Builder or on one of a list of Standard Report Builders.
Report Builders that you have created are listed in My Report Builders. If you have the necessary permission, you can view other people's Report Builders in All Report Builders.
Before you can run a Report Builder, you must set the following properties:
The name of the Report Builder.
The Report Target, which can be one or more users, computers, printers or programs.
The Report Period, which is the period of time for which the Report Builder collects information. You can specify a simple period of time such as This Week or you can choose the Advanced View to set absolute and/or relative dates to define the Report Period.
You can also change the following Report Builder properties, if you require:
The title and description of the Reports generated by the Report Builder.
The list of sections that the Reports will contain.
The Report Generation Attributes to limit the impact on your network performance of running a large Report Builder.
The sharing properties, which specify the groups of users who will also be able to view the Reports.
The schedule which defines the date, time and frequency that the Report Builder runs in the future.
Depending on the type of Report Builder and the properties it has, the total time required for it to generate a Report will vary. To minimise any delay, you should select only Report Targets and Report Sections that are essential or you can reduce the Report Period.
There is a 10-20 minute delay between activity occurring on the network and information about that activity becoming available for reporting.